Ligonier Valley School District
Charles H. Warner, AIA, REFP

Mr. Warner is a registered architect with 30 years of architectural and facility planning experience.

Demographic Study & Long-Range Strategic

This study began with the compilation of demographic information from 5 different communities that make up the Ligonier Valley School District. Information was gathered by the district as well as WARNER Concepts, LLC. and analyzed to determine what factors, present and future, will effect student enrollment within the district. In and out migration as well as transfers by students was reviewed. 5- and 10-year enrollment projections were completed along with an analysis of the projected housing and community growth.

The results of the study were placed in report form and presented to the Board of Education. After the Board’s review, a presentation of the study’s findings was presented in a district-wide community meeting where participants were allowed to give input and ask questions regarding the results and recommendations.


  • Housing and yield rate study Population growth study
  • Historic enrollment analysis
  • 5- and 10-year projected enrollments School capacity study
  • School Location study Attendance Zone analysis